Shadowrun hong kong cheat maximum action pool
Shadowrun hong kong cheat maximum action pool

shadowrun hong kong cheat maximum action pool


I want the PC to feel challenged, but not by the RNG or the GM's whims. I want the increase of pressure as the run progresses. Execution: I want player choices that matter, I want them to choose whether to take risks or not without relying too much on the RNG to decide if things will go smoothly or not. I just want them to come up with a basic plan, and let the system handle all the details we can't possibly know all about.ģ. I don't want them to spend the whole session discussing points that might be completely irrelevant, thinking at length about questions their characters actually know the answer to while forgetting about stuff their characters wouldn't. Planning: I don't want players to have to be expert criminal themselves. I don't want to have to gloss over it because playing the small B&E or the small Matrix intrusion would take too long playing, but I don't want either of them to bog down the game and require us to spend an entire session.Ģ. To make it simple, let's check the anatomy of a standard run, and the departures I want from SR4:ġ. All in all, the rules weren't adapted to the playstyle I wanted, so it was time to move to another system. On top of that, there were also stuff I missed from the rules, like a mechanism similar to Leverage's plot points. From the "don't bother rolling for this, we'll assume it works" to the "let's skip some dice rolls so that we can wrap this up".

shadowrun hong kong cheat maximum action pool

I wasn't pleased with everything in SR4, but besides that I realized that most of the time, I just threw the rules out the window regularly. In my vision, Shadowrun Universes would have a basic ruleset, with a few optional rules and tweaks to adapt different ambiances, but then all fluff would be divided according to their universe. While all can share similar rules, I think it's important to know which game you're playing otherwise you end up with a bland game that doesn't really please anyone. It's called Shadowrun Universe because I think that Shadowrun needs to acknowledge the fact that it is used for technothriller, 80s cyberpunk, postcyberpunk and other nuances. I wasn't originally going to post that here, since I didn't think many people would be interested (except maybe to rant heavily about some of its weaknesses) and it's something I made mostly according to my playstyle, but it came up a few times, so here it is.

Shadowrun hong kong cheat maximum action pool